Wieliczka salt mine tour in Cracow

Krakow is one of the cities most frequently visited by tourists on the world map. Millions of tourists visit it every year. Krakow is above all a very beautiful and charming city. Krakow can charm everyone with its beauty and history. It has many attractions that cannot be seen in one day. What is worth seeing in Krakow?

Start from the Old Town

The main point of every trip to Krakow should be the market square. This classic place has a special charm in the evening, when the surrounding tenements and St. Mary’s Church are illuminated. This place acquires a special character and charm. Outside the market, everyone should go to Wawel once in their lives. It is one of the most beautiful castles in the world that offers many attractions.


Trips from Krakow to nearby places

In addition to attractions in Krakow itself, you can find many additional trips. Such a notable one-day trip is the Wieliczka Salt Mine tour. Wieliczka is a salt mine, which is currently a museum facility. It is included on the Unesco World List. Wieliczka Salt Mine is even more impressive because it was completely created by man, without support of any machines. Wieliczka is one of the most beautiful Polish monuments. Everyone visiting Krakow should see this place at least once in their life. Do not miss a chance to go there.

Krakow attractions

Our beautiful Krakow probably does not need to be introduced to anyone and almost every person living in Poland has been to it at least once. Krakow is also incredibly famous all over the world and by visiting the market and city center even in the middle of the week you get the impression that we are abroad. Many cultures and languages ​​are mixed together and a magical atmosphere is created. Krakow looks fabulous especially in the evenings, when the Old Town and Market Square look like a fairy tale.

Czytaj dalej Krakow attractions